Saturday, May 3, 2008

Vectoring Images Using Photoshop

my own way of vectorizing your picture using photoshop…

first, you need to look for the picture that you want to vectorize. I would suggest that if you have a high resolution photo, then go for it.

second, you need to duplicate your original photo, usually when you open an image on photoshop, the layer name is “background”. So you just have to duplicate the background layer or your image.

third, for you to have an easy way of tracing the shadows of the image, you just have to posterize your image, usually I set it to 3 or 4 but it depends on your satisfaction. To posterize, just click on Image, then click on Adjustments, then Posterize.

fourth, you simply need to trace the base area of the image, example the image is your picture, so you need to select the area of your skin, I suggest you use the pen tool, you can use other tracing tools like lasso but it is best suggested that you use the pen tool, and make sure that the pen tool is set for selection only.

fifth, let us assume you have already selected the area of your entire skin, then you need to create a new layer, make sure that you dont edit the background layer which is the original image and the posterize image. the images will be your guide. after selecting using the pen tool just simply right click on the selection and choose make selection. I suggest you just set the feather to 0.

sixth, now that you have selected the area, make sure that you are on the new layer that was created. then you need to fill the selected area with your desired color, but you can also determine the color of the area selected by using the eyedropper tool.

seventh, assuming that you have choosen the color for the area, then you need to fill the area selected with the color that you have choosen, one important thing is make sure not to deselect unless you have filled the area with your desired color.

now to continue vectorizing your image just simply repeat the steps that I mentioned, do the same on the details of the image, create layer, select, fill color, deselect and then repeat it again until the entire image is vectorized. after vectorizing the image you can simple add some editing like using the smudging tool or any other tool so that the vectorized image would look like the same as with the original image. I hope that I have given you some tips on how to vectorize your image using adobe photoshop.

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